October updates & NaNoWriMo

I have decided to take part in NaNoWriMo again this year. For those of you unfamiliar with the acronym, it stands for National Novel Writing Month. The competition has grown from the first NaNoWriMo that took place in San Francisco (July 1999) with a mere 21 aspiring novelists, into a global competition. It's really wonderful what they are doing, and the level of participation and dedication NaNoWriMo-ers have.
Last year I did not complete the goal of a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. My contract with the Independent Living Centre Kingston took me off course. I admire all the people who completed their 50,000 word count while juggling work and home.
In last years effort, I attempted to convert a screenplay idea my friends and I had outlined into a novel. This year I will focus on resuscitating a novel I started in 2002/2003. The legal issues surrounding the subject matter require a large amount of research for true authenticity. To meet timelines, I will be setting the story in the near-future and create a world where I am the Supreme Court of Canada.
At the end of October, I will also be starting a new project with the Canadian Television Fund. I am looking forward to the opportunity. In the meantime, local agencies have forwarded my CV to their clients so I am hopeful Cursive Communication will secure a government contract soon.
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